Symptoms of Meth Exposure

Even years after a building has been occupied by those producing or smoking meth, there are toxic particles that remain if the duct work and building have not been properly decontaminated. Meth exposure symptoms are similar to those of other respiratory illnesses, so it is important to test for meth exposure if you notice multiple symptoms after moving into new home.

Possible Symptoms of Meth Exposure

  • Watery, red, and burning eyes, often accompanied by discharge and pain
  • Skin irritations, redness and rashes
  • Chest and/or abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Chronic sneezing and coughing and shortness of breath
  • Negative effects on the central nervous system
  • Congestion of the voice box and other throat problems
  • Moderate or severe headaches
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Yellow jaundice
  • Fever
  • Decrease in mental capabilities
  • Hallucinations

If you leave the area for an extended period of time and the symptoms subside, there may be reason for concern. Even small amounts of meth exposure could trigger symptoms. Previous use of the building for a meth lab or even just using meth near the building can cause damaging health effects. The sooner you discover meth exposure, get treated and have the building professional decontaminated, the less risk you will be exposed to.  Traumatic Cleanup & Restoration is professional trained and certified to aid you through the entire cleaning process.

Effects of Meth Exposure in Pets, Adults and Children

“Many of the precursor chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine are highly toxic, corrosive, and/or flammable…  In addition, many of the chemicals used in methamphetamine production are restricted by Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, which require that hazardous materials teams clean up methamphetamine lab sites. Reports indicate that at least five pounds of toxic waste are generated for every pound of methamphetamine produced (Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning Guidebook, 1999). This waste is commonly disposed of in backyards, dumpsters, storm drains, parks, or along roadsides and farm fields, where it is a source of long-lasting and toxic pollution. ” (Read full article

“Children who live in home-based methamphetamine labs are exposed to the toxic precursor chemicals, waste, and filth associated with methamphetamine production, as well as to the highly psychoactive stimulant itself. Psychoactive compounds can cause psychosis, seizures, and death from accidental ingestion (NIDA, 1998; Perez, Arsura, & Strategos, 1999). Consequences of exposure to the toxic precursor chemicals can include poisoning, burns, and lung irritation; damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, and immune system; cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia; bone marrow suppression resulting in anemia and increased risk of infections; and developmental and growth problems (Drug Endangered Children, 2000; Irvine & Chin, 1997; NIDA, 1998).”(Read full article

How Meth Works in the Brain

This informative video explains how meth use leads to addiction.